"Uprooted and now living on the west coast of Florida over a thousand miles from all friends and family, we are venturing into a whole new world. My amazing husband landed a Radiology residency in the state of Florida and so here we are! Just us. No one else. That's a lie- we have an amazing son, Landon, and a four legged son, Pudzi (an English Bulldog), who are both on this ride with us! Follow us as our lives unfold in new territory."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Landon is now 8 and half months old!  Time- as always- is flying by and it is so hard to believe my teeny tiny little guy is fast approaching his first birthday!
When Landon was 4 months old we introduced him to organic rice cereal.  It didn't take too long to realize that his little bowels didn't care too much for this new found mush.  The week of our wedding anniversary was pure torture due to an overly constipated baby.  Quickly- we switched over to an organic oatmeal cereal.  Landon loved this so much more than the rice and so did his bowels!  We continued to feed him the cereal as well as mommy nursing him roughly 6 times a day.
At around 6 and a half months of life we ventured into solid foods!  I was so so excited to see what my baby boy would like and what he would turn his nose up to.  The pediatrician had told me that since he was a solely breast fed baby he would more than likely be more interested in fruits vs. vegetables.  The explanation is that breast milk is sweet and formula is bland.  After doing extensive research (my true forte!) I decided to start with sweet potatoes.  
I purchased my organic sweet potatoes and I cracked open the Beaba Food Cooker .  I was so excited to make Landon's first solid food!  Everything was set and ready to go... first bite...bitter beer face...swallow...success!  He like them! After 4 days of the sweet potatoes we moved on to avocados then butternut squash, carrots followed by banana.  Everything seemed to be going great!  He loved everything and ate it all up at each sitting.  It was once I tried moving onto apples, pears, etc. that things went down hill fast.  Besides banana- Landon cannot stand the taste of fruit!  Quite the opposite of what the MD had said.  
I was back at Whole Foods and there for vegetables and only vegetables.  We ventured into green beans, cauliflower and peas. Again- Landon LOVED it all.  Next fruit attempt: apricots.  Fail.
So now I'm in a pickle.  
Anybody have any suggestions?  
Out of curiosity: are there any 100% breastfed babies out there in the same boat? Also- are there moms out there having to give their little one vitamins with iron?  Ew.  I feel so so bad for Landon every time I give it to him.  
I am beyond blessed that I am able to provide Landon with breast milk for so long without having to supplement with any type of formula as well as being able to make homemade organic foods for him.  With everything being said- I am in no way, shape or form complaining or saying that 'things are bad'... I am just looking for some advice or feedback!
