"Uprooted and now living on the west coast of Florida over a thousand miles from all friends and family, we are venturing into a whole new world. My amazing husband landed a Radiology residency in the state of Florida and so here we are! Just us. No one else. That's a lie- we have an amazing son, Landon, and a four legged son, Pudzi (an English Bulldog), who are both on this ride with us! Follow us as our lives unfold in new territory."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Landon is now 8 and half months old!  Time- as always- is flying by and it is so hard to believe my teeny tiny little guy is fast approaching his first birthday!
When Landon was 4 months old we introduced him to organic rice cereal.  It didn't take too long to realize that his little bowels didn't care too much for this new found mush.  The week of our wedding anniversary was pure torture due to an overly constipated baby.  Quickly- we switched over to an organic oatmeal cereal.  Landon loved this so much more than the rice and so did his bowels!  We continued to feed him the cereal as well as mommy nursing him roughly 6 times a day.
At around 6 and a half months of life we ventured into solid foods!  I was so so excited to see what my baby boy would like and what he would turn his nose up to.  The pediatrician had told me that since he was a solely breast fed baby he would more than likely be more interested in fruits vs. vegetables.  The explanation is that breast milk is sweet and formula is bland.  After doing extensive research (my true forte!) I decided to start with sweet potatoes.  
I purchased my organic sweet potatoes and I cracked open the Beaba Food Cooker .  I was so excited to make Landon's first solid food!  Everything was set and ready to go... first bite...bitter beer face...swallow...success!  He like them! After 4 days of the sweet potatoes we moved on to avocados then butternut squash, carrots followed by banana.  Everything seemed to be going great!  He loved everything and ate it all up at each sitting.  It was once I tried moving onto apples, pears, etc. that things went down hill fast.  Besides banana- Landon cannot stand the taste of fruit!  Quite the opposite of what the MD had said.  
I was back at Whole Foods and there for vegetables and only vegetables.  We ventured into green beans, cauliflower and peas. Again- Landon LOVED it all.  Next fruit attempt: apricots.  Fail.
So now I'm in a pickle.  
Anybody have any suggestions?  
Out of curiosity: are there any 100% breastfed babies out there in the same boat? Also- are there moms out there having to give their little one vitamins with iron?  Ew.  I feel so so bad for Landon every time I give it to him.  
I am beyond blessed that I am able to provide Landon with breast milk for so long without having to supplement with any type of formula as well as being able to make homemade organic foods for him.  With everything being said- I am in no way, shape or form complaining or saying that 'things are bad'... I am just looking for some advice or feedback!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Landon James

I am so happy to announce the birth of our SON, Landon James!  He was born on February 11, 2011 at 8:42 am weighing a grand spanking 8 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 21.5 inches in length.  His birth story is quite interesting, although I didn't realize that until after the fact...
Being as we're living in Florida by ourselves, we weren't exactly sure how the whole 'family coming down' dynamic was actually going to pan out. I had been having real contractions for quite some time- a week to be exact- but still no baby.  On my "Due Date" my mom flew down in the early evening.  We spent the whole night catching up and before we knew it- it was 2am!  The next day my mom was determined to get my mind off of things while trying to induce some labor!  We spent the day walking the mall and pretty much walking wherever we could.  We walked baby walked!  Still- no real strong contractions.  The hubs, mom and I had an absolutely FABULOUS filet mignon dinner that night!  We were joking that this was my 'Last Supper' before the baby and that I should enjoy it!  However- all joking aside- I started to feel some serious contractions during dinner.  We started timing them and they were a whopping 10 minutes apart. "SHEESH!" I thought, "At this rate I'll have the baby by NEXT week!"  Not too long after dinner my hubby hit the hay (He just so happened to be on a KILLER rotation this month that called for him to be in the hospital really early in the morning).  I stayed up with my mama chit chatting and grunting through some serious contractions.  "They're coming a lot closer." she said, "You're at about 5-6 minutes apart".  She was right! I was seriously progressing!  "This is it," I thought "I'm having this baby in the morning!"  My mom decided to get some shut eye seeing as we'd probably be in the hospital in a few hours.  I decided to try and do the same thing... yeah right... I was rolling around in bed while telling my sleeping husband that I thought I needed to go to the hospital.  "How far apart are they?" he asked.  "Just about 3-4 minutes."
I think he was in complete shock seeing as they were still at 10 minutes apart when he went to bed.  We called the doctor and were at the hospital by 6am.
When I got to the hospital they hooked me up to the monitors and examined me.  I was only 3cm dilated and the contractions weren't impressive.  "You've got to be kidding me," I thought "I am NOT leaving the hospital without my baby in my arms!"  The doctor came in and suggested that I walk the halls for a couple of hours to see if I would progress.  We were off!  You would've thought that I was competing for some kind of trophy (well, I guess I was!)... I was doing laps like a champ!  I stopped every so often to breathe through the tough contractions but for 2 hours I walked.  I went back to my little room praying that I would have progressed.  When the doctor and nurse came back into the room I was just about in tears anticipating the results.  "Well- you're 4 cm dilated which means we have to admit you because you're in labor!"  I could have peed my pants- no really- I could have peed my pants I was so excited!!
Between asking me questions, starting my IV and switching rooms about 1.5 to 2 hours had gone by.  It was almost 10am and the doctor decided to come in and check me again now that I was situated in my delivery room.  "Well, you're 7cm!"  My heart began to race!  I couldn't believe how much I progressed in such a short amount of time!  I was feeling pretty good and not in too much pain so I asked when would be an appropriate time to get the epidural.  The nurse laughed and told me that I should probably get it now seeing as I was progressing rather quickly and it might be 'too late' if I wait much longer.
The anesthetist was in our room only minutes later.  He was a young guy who was chatting it up with my husband...believe it or not, that put me at ease.  I swear only 5 minutes went by and that darn epidural was IN.  He turned me around and ever so politely said, "Has anyone ever told you how nice of a back you have?"  I laughed and replied, "Oh yes, that's what all the boys in high school told me!"
The epidural was in and life was good.  I felt like Bethenny Frankel post epidural, "Now this is a party". The nurse decided to put in a foley catheter to drain my bladder because I was being pumped with fluids and was unable to physically get up and go to the bathroom.  We were killing time by watching tv, checking facebook, talking on the phone, etc etc.  I was anticipating 'the next check'.  In my head they were going to tell me I was 10cm dilated and ready to push.  In walks the doc. "Well, you're still at 7 and  the head is still high.  Let's get you started on some Pitocin." Naturally- I was game.  Whatever it takes.  This baby needs to be here by dinner time!
Hours started flying by and at each 'check' I was still at 7cm.  I was getting aggravated.  How could I have progressed so fast and then hit a wall? By 7pm I had a new nurse who just so happened to have once been a doula... she told me that we were going to have this baby before her shift was over (7am).  That was the positive energy that I needed!  She was positioning me in all sorts of crazy ways and at the next check-in I was 8cm. Hallelujah!  Surely our bundle of joy will be here soon...
The doctor then decided he needed to sit down and have a serious chat with me.  He discussed the seriousness of me being in labor so long and my real lack of progress and told me that I would possibly be needing a c-section.  I knew if it were necessary I wouldn't object.  I signed the consent form and prayed.  A few hours later he came in and told me he wanted to place a probe on my baby's head to monitor his/her heart.  I knew this wasn't necessary and objected.  You would've thought I told him his mama was ugly... he gave me a, "I'm utterly disgusted with you" look and left the room.  My baby wasn't in distress and I didn't want him or her to be put through something unnecessary...
Before we knew it, it was 7:00 and there was still no baby :(  Just before change of shift the night doc decided to check me one more time.  "Well- you're 10cm, +2 station, and fully effaced.  You're ready to push my dear." Holy cow.  I knew this moment was going to come but I felt like a deer in headlights. PUSH?! Really? I'm really ready??  My night nurse said bye and good luck and my day nurse came in to say hello.  As soon as she walked into the room all I thought was, "She's going to be AWESOME!"
She was a 20 something young nurse with such amazing energy.  She was so happy for me and that I was at this point...ready to push.  She broke my bed and basically said, "Ok- PUSH!" If you haven't ever 'pushed', wow, what a weird thing.  I remember thinking "Please don't poop. Please don't poop."  After a few pushes the new doc on duty came in and checked me out.  "Oh honey," she said, "you aren't ready yet.  You have at least another cm to go and you're at about +1 station".  I think at this point I just wanted to cry.  My nurse gave me a "pshh" look and said, "Jess, just keep pushing.  I know you're ready".
Only a few minutes went by and my nurse told me to stop pushing.  "I need to get the doctor back in here... you're about to have the baby!"  Again, I was flooded with so much emotion.  I was hugging the corner and saw the finish line ahead of me.  How was I here?  I'm about to meet my baby.
The doctor walked into the room with an inquisitive look on her face.  I don't think that she believed my nurse one bit.  She took one look under the sheets and quickly put a gown on.  "Holy crap- this is no joke", I thought.  With one leg in my mom's hand and one leg in my husband's I just kept pushing with everything I had in me.  Everyone was so incredibly encouraging I knew I was only moments away.  All of a sudden I felt a huge relief.  The baby was out!
 The doctor held up my baby and shouted, "IT'S A BOY!" I burst into tears.  I couldn't believe what just happened and now I have a baby boy :)  The nurse then said, "I can't believe you delivered on your due date, that's awesome!" Hmm, actually, my due date was 3 days ago on the 8th... She then proceeded to show me all the documents that indicated TODAY WAS MY DUE DATE.  "HUH? For ten months I was under the impression I was due on February 8th when all along it was February 11th?" That was really weird and very cool all at the same time...
They quickly whisked my baby boy away to the incubator and his tiny little 'bed' was surrounded by 7 people.  My heart was racing- racing at an uncontrollable speed.  "What's going on?? Is he okay??"  Everyone was trying to be reassuring and said it was all precautionary.  I'm not an idiot AND I just so happen to be in the healthcare field- I know when things aren't 'right'.  The doctor told me to lay back as she had to stitch me up (Oh- that was fun-that 2nd degree tear was tougher to deal with then labor and delivery combined).  My hubby stood watching over our little boy as the team assessed him.  They told me that they had to take him to the 'Special Care Nursery' and take a few x-rays. "X-rays? What for?"  Apparently on the way out, our little guy might have broken his clavicle.  Not to mention the meconium 'issues'...
My ideal post-birth scenario was not happening.  They didn't place him on my chest.  I didn't nurse him right away. They didn't hand him to me all cute and swaddled.  Instead- I was left in my delivery room by myself eating a COLD breakfast tray.  The hubs and my mom went to be with Landon as I sat waiting.
Shortly thereafter I was taken to my postpartum room and was reunited with Steve and my mom.  The nurse told me to go down the hall to see my baby.  I was ecstatic. I stood up and almost passed out.  Instead of walking down the hall I rolled...  As soon as I got into the nursery I stood up and saw him.  I mean REALLY saw him.  This was the first time I got a good look at him.  He was perfect.  No really, he was perfect.  I never in all my life saw a sweeter more beautiful baby and he was mine.  Only moments later the pediatrician walked over to us and told us that Landon was cleared with a clean bill of health.  No broken clavicle and the meconium wasn't an issue. Praise God!  I was leaving the nursery right then and there with my baby in my arms!
Friday and Saturday night were spent in the hospital with Landon at my side every minute of my stay.  We had fun staying up all night and getting to know each other... I wouldn't trade those sleepless nights for anything.  I am eternally grateful for those precious early memories.  Sunday couldn't have come soon enough.  We were both ready to get out of the hospital!!
I cannot believe that six and a half months have gone by!  We are both enjoying life; happy and healthy!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Delivery Date is Fast Approaching!

(Taken from our Pregnancy Photo Shoot!)
Yes yes- 3 months have gone by!  I could lie and say that not too much has happened within the past 3 months but the truth of the matter is I never feel that anything I have to say is all that important that it would constitute a new post!  Anyways- here I am!
It's crazy to think that the holidays have come and gone.  We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving that was rather low key-spent at home by ourselves.  Only to be outdone by a fabulous Christmas!  I was taken by complete surprise when my family showed up the week before Christmas with the news that they were going to spend the entire week with us!  Naturally- time flew by and now here we are- mid January!!
It's so hard to believe that any day now our little peanut will be making his or her grand entrance! I can't believe that this pregnancy will be over.  I have truly enjoyed this experience more than I ever thought I would!!  The amazing movements and the overall 'feeling' of being pregnant is something that I treasure so very much!  With that being said- I am very much looking forward to meeting my baby!  For 9 months now I have been wondering and dreaming of a lot of things!  Is it a boy or a girl? Chubby or Skinny? Hair or No Hair? And numerous other things...
We will know the answer to all of our questions very very soon!
I'm not making any promises as to when I'll post next- my guess is that things are going to get a bit busy very soon :)
So until next time...


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello- it's me!

My oh my... it sure has been a while!  I feel like life has gotten in the way of my blogging- but here I am!  2 whole months have gone by and a lot, I repeat, A LOT has happened in the past two months!  I am now 6 months pregnant with our little angel and I truly couldn't be happier... it really is amazing how life and your perspective on life changes when you're expecting a baby!  We have been through our fair share of scares and worries and are beyond thankful to our almighty creator for seeing us through all of it.  And no- sorry- I won't be getting into any of those details.  Through our rough patch at the doctors we were informed that we would be needing monthly ultrasounds of the baby to ensure that things were still 'going as they should'.  The hubs and I found this to be a little silver lining to our gray cloud!  Now- every month we get to see the progress of our little munchkin... and see those cute little facial features... and all the wild movement.

Movement... now this is the motto of our peanut!  I swear that this child only sleeps a few hours a day.  Every other waking minute is used to move baby move!!  I am so in love with the kicks, punches, rolls, and twirls that this little one is making inside of me :)  I was 19 weeks pregnant when we could feel the baby moving externally.  I was actually lying in the OB's office and the doc was attempting to obtain the FHR when, BOOM, the baby kicked the doppler straight up!  We both laughed out loud!  She informed me that our baby was "Very Strong!" and that he or she would only get stronger yet :)

Gender... Snuff and I decided right off the bat that we were NOT going to find out the gender of our baby.  Oddly enough, this is such a controversial topic!  My view: A) I LOVE LOVE LOVE surprises! If you can surprise me, I'll be your best friend. B) There are only a few times in your life when you truly can be surprised- this is one of those times. C) There really is no reason to find out.  We are bigger fans of the gender neutral items anyway.  The only time when I kind of sort of wish we knew is when I'm looking at clothes.  Then I remind myself that I can go crazy once the baby is actually here :)  

Family... we come from very tight knit families and are clearly longing for the presence of our loved ones.  We have been so very fortunate to have already had my parents, Snuffs parents, and Snuff's sister-in-law & new nephew down here for a week+ visit!  Soon- we will have a great deal of visitors again- along with me going back home in a few short weeks!  We are so blessed to have such a loving family and are so excited to bring our baby into this family.  This tiny life is loved so much already!

Work... I have personally been working since the age of 14.  When we found out that we were moving to FL and having a baby we had decided that I would stop working and that we would live solely off of Snuff's salary.  This sounded fabulous!!  I couldn't wait to stop working and be a 'homemaker' and mommy!  This all came to a halt about 3 weeks ago!!  I have a natural desire to work and am now on the hunt.  We have discussed that we both want me to be home to raise the baby considering we are so far from family and I do not want the baby in daycare.  So long story short- I am looking for an at-home work position.  Anyone have any ideas? Leads? I'm open to just about anything.  Qualifications: Registered Nurse with 5 years experience and very good with the computer.  We have been praying about it a lot and trust that the Lord will put something in my path if it is meant to be :)

Until next time...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well- after keeping it a very very tight secret for 14 weeks I am now shouting it from the roof tops, 

I hate having to keep secrets yet I am very good at keeping them.  We had been planning on starting a family for a little while yet we never told a soul about our thoughts or intentions.  We had decided in May that we were going to go on one last vacation "before snuff started residency" (which yes, was the case. However, we knew that it would more than likely be our last vacation as just husband and wife).  We came home from the beautiful Atlantis, Paradise Island on a Friday night- we found out I was granted a nursing license in Florida on Saturday- and we found out the most exciting news, we're going to have a baby, on Sunday morning!

Luckily, we were both on the same page way before we got pregnant.  We wanted to wait until AT LEAST our first ultrasound to tell our friends and family.  But we had a curve ball that we needed to address- we were moving over a thousand miles away to Florida in about 2 weeks!  How were we going to dodge this huge bullet???   Only by the grace of God did we manage the whole move without anyone suspecting a thing!
Soon after everyone left I had my very first doctor's appointments and 4 weeks later, we had our first ultrasound.  To say that that day was so surreal is truly an understatement.  I could not believe my eyes... as soon as the tech placed the probe on my belly there he/she was!  Bouncing all around!  It was as if our little peanut was saying, "Hey mom and dad! Look at me! I'm doing great in here! WEEEEEEE!" I couldn't help but shed a few tears.  Not that I hadn't seen/known it before, but at that moment I felt like, "Wow how incredibly awesome is our God? There is a person growing inside of me! Not just any person, THE person that God wants Snuff and I raise!"  It truly was amazing and I will never forget those early moments with my baby.

Fast forward just over a week- we were heading home!  Our families simply thought that we were coming home to visit- however we had ulterior motives.  Snuff and I had created a fun way to tell our families about our big surprise... a video tour of our house that ended in the baby's room (yes- we already bought all the furniture!).  It was so much fun to watch the video play out and every time Snuff was about to open the door to the baby's room my pulse went through the roof!
We had such an amazing time with our families and we were sad to leave them- but we're going to be having visitors soon- which makes everything better :)

I can't wait to share my experiences with everyone back at home!  And as soon as the 'bump' starts to sprout I will be sure to post some pictures!
