"Uprooted and now living on the west coast of Florida over a thousand miles from all friends and family, we are venturing into a whole new world. My amazing husband landed a Radiology residency in the state of Florida and so here we are! Just us. No one else. That's a lie- we have an amazing son, Landon, and a four legged son, Pudzi (an English Bulldog), who are both on this ride with us! Follow us as our lives unfold in new territory."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello- it's me!

My oh my... it sure has been a while!  I feel like life has gotten in the way of my blogging- but here I am!  2 whole months have gone by and a lot, I repeat, A LOT has happened in the past two months!  I am now 6 months pregnant with our little angel and I truly couldn't be happier... it really is amazing how life and your perspective on life changes when you're expecting a baby!  We have been through our fair share of scares and worries and are beyond thankful to our almighty creator for seeing us through all of it.  And no- sorry- I won't be getting into any of those details.  Through our rough patch at the doctors we were informed that we would be needing monthly ultrasounds of the baby to ensure that things were still 'going as they should'.  The hubs and I found this to be a little silver lining to our gray cloud!  Now- every month we get to see the progress of our little munchkin... and see those cute little facial features... and all the wild movement.

Movement... now this is the motto of our peanut!  I swear that this child only sleeps a few hours a day.  Every other waking minute is used to move baby move!!  I am so in love with the kicks, punches, rolls, and twirls that this little one is making inside of me :)  I was 19 weeks pregnant when we could feel the baby moving externally.  I was actually lying in the OB's office and the doc was attempting to obtain the FHR when, BOOM, the baby kicked the doppler straight up!  We both laughed out loud!  She informed me that our baby was "Very Strong!" and that he or she would only get stronger yet :)

Gender... Snuff and I decided right off the bat that we were NOT going to find out the gender of our baby.  Oddly enough, this is such a controversial topic!  My view: A) I LOVE LOVE LOVE surprises! If you can surprise me, I'll be your best friend. B) There are only a few times in your life when you truly can be surprised- this is one of those times. C) There really is no reason to find out.  We are bigger fans of the gender neutral items anyway.  The only time when I kind of sort of wish we knew is when I'm looking at clothes.  Then I remind myself that I can go crazy once the baby is actually here :)  

Family... we come from very tight knit families and are clearly longing for the presence of our loved ones.  We have been so very fortunate to have already had my parents, Snuffs parents, and Snuff's sister-in-law & new nephew down here for a week+ visit!  Soon- we will have a great deal of visitors again- along with me going back home in a few short weeks!  We are so blessed to have such a loving family and are so excited to bring our baby into this family.  This tiny life is loved so much already!

Work... I have personally been working since the age of 14.  When we found out that we were moving to FL and having a baby we had decided that I would stop working and that we would live solely off of Snuff's salary.  This sounded fabulous!!  I couldn't wait to stop working and be a 'homemaker' and mommy!  This all came to a halt about 3 weeks ago!!  I have a natural desire to work and am now on the hunt.  We have discussed that we both want me to be home to raise the baby considering we are so far from family and I do not want the baby in daycare.  So long story short- I am looking for an at-home work position.  Anyone have any ideas? Leads? I'm open to just about anything.  Qualifications: Registered Nurse with 5 years experience and very good with the computer.  We have been praying about it a lot and trust that the Lord will put something in my path if it is meant to be :)

Until next time...


  1. YAY! So happy to hear from you. I have a friend that lives in FL that works from home. I'll ask her about it. Sorry to hear about the complications... I know too well how that goes. Praying for you all and for baby! I can't wait to find out if it's a prince or princess!

  2. I would totally appreciate you looking into the work-at-home job for me! I really really am longing for something to do :) Complications- yikes... I knew that it was always a potential, but talk about stress! We covet your prayers- we know it's all in the Lord's hands!


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